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A FREE week-long experience of TIS Membership 

A FREE workshop series for Christian and Catholic single women in their 20’s-40’s who want to end the frustration around dating and create an intentional life they’re excited about showing up to

October 10-17

  • 1 LIVE Kick off Event "Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess Around Dating" ​​(Oct 10 @7pm CT)

  • 3 LIVE mini workshops (Oct 14, 15, 16 @12pm CT) 

  • 1 LIVE Open Coaching Session with Maria & Meghan (Oct 15 @6pm CT)

  • 1 LIVE Meet a Member/Ask Your Questions Event (Oct 17 @7pm CT)

  • Exclusive access to private TIS community 

  • Early Bird Deals available for TIS Membership 

(replays will be available for all except the Open Coaching call)

You just want to do God's will in your life, but you don’t know what it is…

This is for you if... 

You're tired of searching for all the single and dating advice, trying all the tactics, and not seeing any results 

You want to burn the dating apps to the ground and actually meet men in real life 

You've got so much you long to share with a companion, but you're exhausted from not meeting men you’d actually like to get to know

No matter how much you do or how hard you work on yourself, it still feels like it's never enough

You'd like to not hate the dating process and strongly desire to show up to the dating scene feeling relaxed and actually enjoying it (could that even be possible!?

You have stuff going on constantly in your life and feel like the stress, overwhelm, and burnout never end and you’re looking for a reprieve 

You feel like you’re constantly on a roller coaster of emotions every month and don’t know another way 

You're spread thin and need more clarity on where to focus in your life, and confidence in navigating your next steps

You just want to do God's will in your life, but you don’t know what it is

This single & dating journey is an absolute roller coaster of emotions, no? Plenty of ups & downs and surprise twists that no one really prepared you for. 

The second guessing and constant wondering if you’re missing something, doing it wrong, or need to do more… 

All of this is really exhausting.

(and you wonder if it will ever happen for you…)

Finding a good man and creating a healthy and holy relationship has been WAY harder than you expected.

You’re not where you thought you’d be in life at this point. This wasn’t supposed to be your story. Maybe there’s something wrong with you and that’s why you’re not married yet…


Do I have to keep dating?

Is all this even worth it?


And at the same time, your ache is SO consuming, and often chips away at your health, relationships, dreams, and other important areas of life.


It can feel like your hope is hanging on by a thread… It's taking such a toll.


Yet, you’re still here. The Lord keeps telling you to show up.


You don’t want to give up. You know your ache was meant for something.


Your desire to love is so good, and you want to trust His purpose in the pain right now.


You want to believe it IS possible to hold onto hope, to create a beautiful life now...  AND actually meet and marry a good man while enjoying the dating process. 

You also want to believe that God is truly good, that He does see your heart and that your desires matter to Him, and that He HASN’T forgotten you. 

But you’re not sure how to do that.

Because if you’re like so many of the women we encounter in this space, you probably feel like you’ve tried everything; you’ve prayed the novenas, been on the dating apps, said yes to the dates, read the books, listened to the podcasts and frankly you’re exhausted from putting yourself out there. 


Something just isn’t working.


And you can’t seem to turn off the 24/7 neon sign in your mind flashing “Something must be wrong with me”. 


Maybe you’re wondering what everyone else knows that you don’t when it comes to dating.


Perhaps you’re feeling like a fool that you have been hoping and praying this long only for this to be your story thus far. 


Or even worse, you’re actually beginning to believe on a gut level that God HAS forgotten you; that you, your heart, and desires don’t matter. 


“Just hold on to hope” they say, but they don’t say how. “Put yourself out there” they say, but they don’t give you the tools to make it feel fun, free, and joyful. “You’re such a catch” they say, or “why haven’t you met anyone yet?”

And you’re left with only questions. No answers.

And these questions make you feel like they’re wrapping you up in a blanket of shame. 


Precious sister. We see you. We know that space. All too well. It’s absolutely excruciating sometimes. More than anything, we want to just sit with you here. Witness the pain from the journey. Be with you. 


The utter loneliness of this experience is sometimes the worst part; the not knowing how to hold hope in the tension of the ‘space between’---that space where “this is WHERE I am right now…but I want to be over there”... and holding that tension. Now that is hard. 


Invitation to extend so much compassion for yourself because there was so much you were never taught. 

Beauty, there IS hope…You’re not alone in this…God hasn’t forgotten you…your heart and desires matter deeply to Him. And if you can’t believe this *yet, we’re holding these truths for you while you sit in the ick. 

Deep breath beauty - together we’re going to explore with a whole lot of compassion and curiosity to see what else God could have up His sleeves for you in your current season. 

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A FREE powerful workshop series 

For Christian and Catholic single women in their 20’s-40’s who want to end the frustration around dating and create an intentional life they’re excited about showing up to

Cleaning Up the Mental Mess Around Dating Workshop


Thursday, Oct 10 @7pm CT
(1hr 15 mins)

In this workshop we will set a framework around the dating space so you no longer feel like you're wasting your time no matter if the date doesn’t go anywhere. 

  • You’ll come away with 3 powerful questions to ask yourself when you’re unsure whether or not to say yes to another date.

  • Uncover 5 mental & emotional blocks that are hijacking your dating experiences and preventing you from enjoying the dating process and potentially meeting a really good man. 

  • Learn the art of being open and receptive on dates - this is the energy that creates space for attraction and joy in the process of getting to know someone. 

  • Discover the ONE thing that is making you feel like you’re wasting your time when a date doesn’t go anywhere (it’s not what you think!) 

  • Why dating feels like so much pressure and how to change that!

  • How hormones can impact your dating experiences (and what to do about it!) 

Those who attend live will receive an exclusive Early Bird Discount code to redeem for $100 off TIS Membership to be used by Sunday, October 13 @midnight! 

Learn the Art of Showing up for Men

Monday, Oct 14 @12pm CT
(45 mins)

In this workshop you will learn:​​

  • Ways you are unknowingly emasculating men and preventing them from pursuing you

  • What it ACTUALLY means when a man talks a lot on the first few dates and doesn’t ask you many questions (and why this is a good thing!)

  • The 2 different kinds of interest and why that should matter to you

  • The ways you * MIGHT* be showing up that you were taught is attractive but is actually repelling the guys (and how to show up differently! It’s easier than you think…)

  • The ONE simple thing you were never taught that can make ALL the difference in every single interaction with men 

  • The one attribute that makes all the difference in the world in the dating space (hint: it ties in with our Faith but isn’t what you would think!) 

Harnessing your Hormones to Thrive

Tuesday, Oct 15 @12pm CT
(45 mins)

In this workshop you'll receive... ​

  • Greater knowledge of WHEN to do WHAT kind of work when during your cycle ​

  • Deeper appreciation for your female body and they way you’re made 

  • Recognize what your unique needs are in each phase and how to care for them

  • Understand how to show up on dates during your 4 phases (and when it's best to break things off)

  • Ways to support yourself emotionally 

  • Foods to support your cycle in each phase 

  • When to do what kinds of intentional movement 


  • How different phases of your cycle can lend itself to different kinds of prayer


*We are not medical experts. Maria has training, experience, and certifications in personal training, nutrition, fertility awareness, professional doula, and hormones. ​If you have any concerns, please consult your doctor. 

Decision Making

Wednesday, Oct 16 @12pm CT
(45 mins)

In this workshop you’ll receive...


  • A truth bomb about decision making that you’re going to wish you had known YEARS ago! 

  • How to grow your confidence in making decisions

  • How to stop a certain cycle that *most*people are caught in that is literally keeping them stuck when it comes to making decisions and WHAT to do about it!

  • A reality about your desires and choices that no one has told you (but you should have been told about; because it would change your life if you knew this!)

  • A simple formula to make decision making easier & less stressful

  • More confidence in your ability to make good decisions

  • Some simple exercises to get better at this skill of making good decisions

Meet a Member Night

Thursday, Oct 17 @7pm CT 
(1 hr)

An event solely designed for you to hear the raw & honest takeaways from TIS members and ask them your burning questions live. 


  • An opportunity to meet with TIS members 

  • Ask your questions LIVE  

  • Experience this amazing TIS community 

  • Hear member's journeys through TIS 

LIVE Open Coaching Session

Tuesday, October 15 @6pm CT  


Come experience one of the favorite offerings in TIS Membership! See what it’s like to have someone outside of your mind hold space for you and what’s coming up in your current season.

(To protect everyone’s privacy, we will not be recording this live event. We encourage you to come live!) 

I was definitely emasculating men left and right previously but I didn't know that word and had absolutely no idea what I was doing to them.


I was also scared of them; multiple male family members have anger management issues and I just assumed that all men do. So I guess I thought emasculation was a survival or coping technique for me 🙃


I'm also NOT from an emotionally supportive family so I had absolutely no idea what to expect (other than the worst) from men.


But with TIS, I now think of male-female relationships as more of a dance which is so fun. I also have a new job and, for the first time, I have male colleagues and am interacting with men on a daily basis now and love that they are not at all like my male family members.


I'm definitely enjoying life so much more with this healthier balance.

“I was surprised by how much I didn't know about me. It's a great way to see that we are truly not alone or “behind the curve" if we're in our 30s and still single."

Not making a decision is making a decision 🤯 you guys... I was the worst decision maker!!!


And then I find out I was actually making a decision to not make a decision, the irony in this 😂.


This has really helped to step into the place of asking what I want and then making a decision.


Don't get me wrong, this place is definitely still hard as I would just like to please the other person.... but it's a process right!

The whole Cycle Syncing Workshop and getting into hormones was incredible and so valuable. I want everyone to watch it and learn!!!!!!


It’s been so eye-opening and beautiful discovering all of these insights around my cycle that I was just not informed around/in tune with.


It’s sooooo huge and a total game changer coming into this awareness. I absolutely love what y’all are doing and even just hearing how y’all are going to be diving deeper into this in membership is exciting.


Very grateful to have y’all’s accompaniment and support. Thank you!!!

Before finding TIS, I played the blame game with why I wasn't meeting men that I would want to date/why I was not dating.


I have grown to enjoy meeting men and approaching new people with greater curiosity, having open body language, not hiding parts of myself, etc.

Before I think that I showed up as the leader on the date and I expected this date to turn into a relationship or else the man was wasting my time.


Now I realize that going on dates should be fun and not goal-oriented because then I become the pursuer and not the one being pursued.


am also allowing men to take more of an initiative and trying my hardest to step down and just let them be. I was also definitely emasculating men.


Now, I am learning to be receptive and opening up the space for a man to pursue me and if they don’t follow through while it hurts it also feels right because it is a clear sign that they aren’t interested instead of thinking like I have to force something.


I am also appreciating and verbalizing to men what I do appreciate about them and what they’re doing right vs before I would look at all the wrong they did.

Hey there! 👋🏼

Maria Headshot 1.HEIC

Hey gals, I'm Maria Spears Mumaugh ​ 💕

Hey beauties! Maybe you landed here because you've been journeying with us for awhile and love free content (we do, too! lol). 


Or maybe you've never heard of TIS before and have been waiting for someone to finally see you in this season of being single and dating, someone to hold space for your ache, while also giving you practical ways to show up better to your current season (that doesn't sound like "he'll come when you stop looking"... we also despise that one…) 


Well, meet your fabulous hosts, Maria and Meghan! 


We're two certified Catholic strategic mindset coaches who have coached hundreds of Christian and Catholic single and dating women learn how to thrive wherever they are, transform their dating experiences, and discover freedom and joy along the way. 


We've uncovered the countless ways we as women shoot ourselves in the foot mentally, emotionally, hormonally, spiritually, and sexually when it comes to showing up to spaces of unmet desires. 


And can we just say.... we are over the moon excited to share MANY of the gems we teach in TIS Membership for you for an entire week. 

Can't wait to host (and meet you!) soon for Sneak Peek Week

October 10-17! 


Ciao bellas, I'm Meghan Elfelt 💃🏻

I have been through counseling, spiritual direction, and have shared with close friends but no one seems to quite get it and offer the perspective and understanding that you have.

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